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GOP #Taxscam targets Veterans. CALL TODAY with our script.

The proposed tax legislation being considered by our representatives is the biggest assault on the poor and middle class, and the biggest giveaway to the wealthy our country has ever entertained.

Today, we will focus on one targeted group: Veterans.

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit provides tax relief to small business owners who hire individuals from targeted groups (with veterans being one of the target groups).  The central idea behind the program is that getting a job helps break the vicious cycle affecting these individuals, who often find that a lack of job experience prevents them getting hired.  Arguably, the program saves taxpayers some money, through reduced need for services by these newly hired individuals.  An employed person is less likely to require other government subsidized programs for assistance with food, shelter, healthcare, etc.

Republicans now seek to eliminate this credit.  

Call your Members of Congress and demand that they vote NO on any tax bill that seeks to give breaks to corporations and the wealthy at the expense of those who have served in the armed forces.

  • Call Mike Turner at 202-225-6465
  • Call Rob Portman at 202-224-3353
  • Call Sherrod Brown at 202-224-2315

Script:  “Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ADDRESS].  I am calling today to demand that [NAME] vote NO on any tax bill that eliminates the Work Opportunity tax credit.  This has helped bring unemployment among veterans to a record low.  I can’t understand why GOP lawmakers such as [NAME] would try to enrich the already wealthy at the expense of those who volunteered to protect our freedoms. I will be watching this vote closely.”