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Remind Portman: Governor Kasich is against Graham-Cassidy

One of the features of this year’s healthcare wrangling has been Senators passing the buck to governors.  Some have said that they base their support for repealing the Affordable Care Act on their home-state governor’s support.  Some have withheld support based on the same thing.

Today, let’s remind Rob Portman that his home-state governor, John Kasich, is firmly against the Graham-Cassidy bill, and furthermore, that he is encouraging a bipartisan approach to shoring up the the ACA and improving healthcare for all Ohioans.

Call: (202) 224-3353

Sample Script:  Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [ADDRESS].

I would like to remind Senator Portman that our governor, John Kasich, has come out publicly against the Graham-Cassidy bill, and that both he and I support a bipartisan solution to the shortcomings of the Affordable Care Act.  It was reported this week that Democrats came forward with several compromises in an effort to strengthen healthcare, but the GOP walked away from the table, focusing instead on passing Graham-Cassidy.  I think this is wrong.

[Add any personal reasons you may have for supporting the ACA]

Please tell Sen. Portman to vote NO on Graham-Cassidy.  Thank you.